
Michaelina Deneka

Michaelina Deneka

Doodles by Michaelina Deneka
Doodles by Michaelina Deneka

Dear Reader,

A sticker of a unicorn jumping for joy that you've chosen to explore the mind of Michaelina Deneka!

Thanks for finding this little figment of my imagination! I’m Michaelina Deneka: early childhood educator, author of middle grade fantasy, and book devourer from birth.

I celebrate students as creators of knowledge, and young readers as desirous and deserving of literature that inspires them to reimagine. To me, children and books are the changers of worlds.

Delving into my dreamscape, you’ll discover the answers to life’s biggest questions: Who is Michaelina Deneka? Where can I find quirky middle grade fantasy books begging for their next reader? How would I count birthdays if I was a computer?

The unicorns eat most of the sweets around here, but if you’re hungry for words, help yourself to anything I’ve cooked up in the Wordsmithy: a blog bubbling over with writing help for authors of all ages, book recommendations, insider peeks at my writing process, and more!

Educators, parents, and other adults entrusted with the noble mission of teaching a child, make sure to trawl my treasure trove of teacher resources.

And — as any former student can attest — I adore questions! So don’t hesitate to contact Michaelina Deneka via Magic Michaelina Mailtm with any curiosities (or just to say hello!)

Please enjoy your visit to my vast imagination, and please look both ways for unicorns before crossing synapses!


Michaelina Deneka's name and logo as a rainbow sticker. The logo shows the ears of a unicorn with a fountain pen nib for a horn, wearing small crown.

Lover of Learning. Queen of Quirky.

Wordsmith of Wonderlands.


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